Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mr. McQueen, you will be greatly missed.

Today, we lost an incredible designer with an imagination that knew no bounds.  Alexander McQueen, the graduate from Saint Martins with the controversial edge captured the fashion world from the very beginning, and he took us for one helluva ride.  His masterful tailoring of menswear, his futuristic visions and extreme recollections of the past, his ability to make skulls, studs, and chains feel absolutely luxurious is what we will deeply miss.  His influence on other designers, the fashion press, the movie stars, and musicians, is what we will long for.
While reading of McQueen's passing, I found this stunning clip that posted from McQueen's Fall 2006 show, in which Alexander turned Kate Moss into a life-size hologram.  The ethereal imagery is melancholic yet breathtaking, such as McQueen's work, and some would argue is how is life was as well.
Amidst the sadness, we can celebrate the whimsical creations that Alexander bestowed to us.  Thank you, Mr. McQueen, L'enfant Terrible, for your beautiful gifts; you will be greatly missed.